Kumkum Bhagya Written Update: The episode begins with RV thinking about what his family members and Poorvi might be thinking. He believes Poorvi is my friend and won’t doubt me. He is worried about his mom and believes that everyone is feeling the same way, as we felt as Khushi claimed that I was attempting to force her to get married. He is horrified by it.
Poorvi is sitting in her car and apologizes to RV. She says that you were trying to stop me, and I didn’t pay attention to you. I am so sorry. The driver of the car crashes the car with another vehicle. Poorvi’s head is injured, and she falls onto the car seat, and the doors of the car open. The rainwater falls onto her. The Doctor examines Harleen and informs her that she did not suffer an attack of the heart, but she is suffering from the midst of trauma. Monisha is able to act and states that she’s strong and in this state.
Doctors say she’s suffered an intense trauma and is the most affected. He claims she was struck by shock deeply like she was thinking about the incident that happened and being injured. Monisha declares what’s going to happen; the Doctor says right and says that the same thing has been experienced in the past as a result of Khushi and says the time Harman’s uncle suffered an attack of the heart. It was the first time Harleen Aunty was traumatized.
She claims that the Media is saying negative things, and she claims that Poorvi has left his home and that everyone believes that the character of RV is a flimsy one and he sees girls who have poor eyesight. Harleen awakes and asks, where is RV? Harkan tells her that RV will be there. Harleen asks what the Lawyer’s address is. Harman asks if you’re in good health. Harleen asks when the RV will be arriving. Jaswant says Lawyer was in court to get bail papers.
Harleen awakes and announces she’ll take her son to the Doctor. Dadi advises you first to take your medicine, and then everyone goes. They visit the PS and ask for the RV. The Inspector says that this isn’t the party location that you and your friends went to. Harleen states that we are aware we came here because you brought my son to this place. The Inspector says that your son has committed an offense. Harleen says no. The Inspector demands evidence. Harleen speaks about RV, who is a woman-friendly person.
The Inspector says we’ve examined your son’s history and found that he’s done something similar in the past. The Inspector says that next time, he will not do that and that this time, I will improve his situation. Harleen claims that she is my son and he will not suffer even a scratch, so nobody is more threatening than me. The Inspector says you’re threatening me, and she has the right to arrest her. Harman apologizes to her. Harleen says that our son wouldn’t imagine doing this kind of thing.
Dadu tells the Inspector that she has identified the criminals and thief and asks the Inspector to examine the vehicle once. Vikrant, Yug and Vaishali declare that the RV is not guilty. Vaishali says that he is the woman’s savior. The Inspector is asked if they believe that he’s guilty. The inspector says that he’s an exemplary and well-behaved values-based person. I have informed him that it doesn’t appear like he’s done it but I have seen marks on Neha Singh’s body.
Harleen says that the girl is lying. Monisha suggests that maybe you’ve taken the wrong man into custody, and she asks her to think about it. The inspector says that many people have seen RV with the girl Neha Singh. She also said that the girl was unable to remain there and fled and then she filed a complaint. Vishaka claims that he is a good person with morals. Deepika says that we are Malhotras, so such things don’t occur in our household. The reporter questions why the wife of RV’s quit him.
Another reporter believes there is a reason. Dadi insists that this is not the case, and who said this? The reporter wants to know why she’s not there. Yug claims she must be arriving here. Vikrant says that husbands and wives have issues within every marriage. Harleen claims that My son is innocent. She asks for the Inspector to release him. The inspector demands that they stop the drama and return home, or else she’ll detain them.
RV contacts Harleen and wants Harleen to come home, and he says I’m sure you’re sick. Monisha’s mother attempts to incite him to fight Poorvi and claims that everyone was there, but she didn’t show up, and everyone has been talking about her. Harleen demands Constable unlock the lock. The Constable nudges her out.
RV is feeling helpless and claims it’s her mother. Harleen claims RV is innocent. Inspector warns that she’ll place her in jail. Neha arrives. The inspector invites her to sit down, and she says she’ll bring the RV to verify her identity. Harleen is taken to Neha and asks about what my son did to you. Inspector is arrested and takes her to the prison.
Poorvi awakes while people are watching her. She says I must get to my vehicle. She is running and tries to use the lift or auto but no one helps her. She is crying and says I would like to travel to my RV. She finally gets in her car and then sits.